Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hmm, I can't think of the word "cruise" without thinking of the word "vodka". Alcoholic much?

My husband is struggling emotionally with our separation, and I feel awful for his pain even though I know in my heart and my mind that this is the right thing for both of us. I wish there was something I could do, something I could say to him that would help, but there isn't. :(

But, that said...

Yesterday he very nicely asked me how *I* was coping with everything, and then something happened with the kids and we never finished the convo. Fortunately for me. I can't lie to him but I would have felt awful saying the blunt truth. Fact is, I feel good. I feel relieved and at peace in myself. The kids have been really good (as good as toddlers can get!), and I think that's because I'm not stressing and therefore they're not reacting to the tension. I just feel... good.

I've been talking more to friends and family too, which is a nice change. I even had a nice, unexpected phone call the other night from a friend who I only ever talk to online. It was weird and surreal and somewhat awkward to go from text to audio, but I appreciated the care and concern. To be honest, I could have been more chatty and made it easier on him, but I was too busy quietly loling about his bumbling, nervous phone manner lol. My bad. :)

So to answer the question Luke posed, I guess I'm feeling pretty cruisey atm.

Oh, except for my hair (yep I'm shallow). I went to the hairdresser last week and for some reason she thinks "1 inch max" means "sure, cut 3 inches off, who cares!". Argh. QQ. Here's a cropped pic of the back of my head that Noah took yesterday when he was walking down the stairs (he's camera crazy).

See! Look! Its soo short! Wtb speedy hair growth!


  1. Im feeling great too, actually.

    6AM starts, exercise daily, 5kg lost in one week. Healthy food habits, reading a lot.

    Im still feeling crushing despair and lonliness. I still miss you very much. I still love and want you very much.

    But Im glad you are coping. In a sense, I am coping as well. Where this particular aspect of my life is absolutely crap, everything else is shooting sky high. And I really don't think I could have achieved that without this catalyst.

    In a sense, I kinda hoped you were crying yourself to sleep as well, but I guess it's good you aren't. Here's to personal growth, eh?

  2. wow they hacked a lot of Jo! no the plus side that is an awesome colour with heaps of shine :)
