Sunday, March 22, 2009

top 5 Luke'isms

Ok ok we all know two things: 1. the top 5 thing is going around FB atm like crazy and 2. my ex-husband is still struggling with our separation. So, I'm gonna use the top 5 idea to honour Luke and make him realise I'm serious when I say I respect him. I want this new friendship of ours to work. :)

So here's my Top 5 First Ever Luke Moments: (in no particular order)
  1. First ever Valentines Day present/celebration - so unexpected and so awesome!
  2. First ever birthday celebration at 12.01am - the second the clock hit 1 minute past midnight last year, you were ready with a "happy birthday", a hug and presents. No one has ever cared enough before or been excited it was my birthday before... ever!... remember how in shock I was lol?
  3. First ever REAL christmas present - that Angel doll, I'm so sorry I found it two days early. But the amount of thought you put into that gift and the amount of effort you went to to buy it... much much appreciated, not cos of the gift itself, but because of what it meant.
    (wow so far they're all gift related... how shallow!)
  4. First ever normal birth - you were perfect when Alana was born, I couldn't have asked for a better support person. I was so stressed and you were so calm. You were so proud and happy she was a girl, and all I cared about at that point was that she was breathing on her own lol.
  5. First ever song - even though my first husband was a musician, he never ever wrote me so much as one line. And yet last week Luke wrote and recorded a song about me. It doesn't change our relationship, but I appreciate and admire him for it. Very romantic and very beautiful.
    (see!!! not every gift has to be an actual money-costing gift! I'm not that shallow lol.)
I'm 34 ffs and no one has ever cared enough about me to do any of things ever before. You are an awesome man Luke, especially when you have that nasty depression under control. No one can ever take these memories away, and none of our more difficult times can ever destroy or lessen these memories either, and therefore I thank you for all the good times. I hope you understand that I 100% mean it when I say you are an amazing person and that I value you and appreciate you for the person you are. /hug


  1. I do really appreciate this, dont get me wrong.

    But my first thought was "Fuck, this is gonna give Peter ideas"

  2. Ideas? I'm not one for Valentine's day; I don't do flowers or music; I never buy jewelery and I hope not to have to ever be with Jo in a birthing ward.

    I do poetry though.

  3. Sigh, I should delete both your comments. Stop tacky'ing up my blog. :S

    And as for this subject matter... LOL. Sif PB would ever spend his hard-earned cash on anything except for absolute necessities and silly toys for himself. He has that "married man take my woman for granted" mindset.

    Besides, think how long it took me to convince you Luke that romance was important? Ahhh there's gotta be a blog in this somewhere. /thinks

    In the meantime... LOL at you both.
